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The Best healthy foods to eat

How many times have you considered whether the foods you eat are healthy or not?; Definitely less times. It's obvious that the most unhealthy foods are the sweetest for the mouth and so many times we get our selves trapped to the unhealthy foods.

 But it's not too late to change your diets by considering these health foods for the betterment your health and wellness. Below are the most healthy foods for your health and wellness.


Egg yolks are a home of tons of essential but hard to get nutrients, including choline, which is linked to low rates of breast cancer(one yolk supplies 25% of your daily need) and antioxidants that may help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.


Avocados are different than most fruits, because they are loaded with healthy fats instead of carbs. They are creamy, tasty and high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

Whole grains.

Whole grains sustain energy because they keep blood sugar stable. Refined carbohydrates ( such as white sugar and flour) l, cause big spikes and drops in sugar levels that can leave you feeling drained.


Spinach is high on vitamin A and C and folate. It's also a good source of magnesium. The plant componds in spinach may boost your immune system. The carotenoids found in spinach -, beta carotene, lutein and zeaanthin also are protective against bage related vision diseases, such as macular degeneration and night blindness, as well as heart diseases and certain cancers.


Apples are a good source of soluble fiber, which can lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Fresh apples are a good source of vitamin C , an antioxidant that protects your body's cells from damage.


Almonds are rich in nutrients, including magnesium, vitamin E, iron, calcium fiber, riboflavin. A scientific review published in Nutrition Reviews3 found that almonds as a food may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Greek yogurt.

Tangy, creamy yogurt is loaded with calcium and boosts plenty of protein, nearly twice as much as regular yogurt to keep you feeling full throughout the morning. Your best bet: Choose a plain, nonfat variety, and add some fruit to give it some sweetness and flavour( and a dose of added nutrition).


The Omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish such as salmon and Tuna can boost your skins defense against UV damage. Scientists think the Omega-3 acts as a shield, protecting call walls from free radical damage.


Sulfar compounds in garlic give this herb both it's potent smell and it's antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. When garlic is crushed, it releases allicin which wards off heart attacks and strokes.


Loaded with antioxidants, blueberries rank among the top disease fighting foods. Among to the more recent findings:, Three or more servings a week may reduce a woman's risk of heart attack by upto 33%, and a diet high in these in berries can starve of memory loss by several years.

Sweet potatoes.

The deep orange yellow color of sweet potatoes tells you they are in antioxidant beta carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in your body, may help slow the aging process and reduce the risk of some cancers.

Vegetable juice.

Vegetable juice has most of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients found in the original Vegetables ( except some of the fiber) and is an easy way to to include vegetables in your diet. Tomato juice and vegetable juice that include tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Some vegetable and tomato juices are very high in sodium, so be sure to select the low sodium varieties.


With the very high levels of antioxidants, pomegranates can help keep the cardiovascular system healthy.
Lean beef and Chicken breast.
 Eating unprocessed lean meat is an excellent way to increase your protein intake. Replacing some of the carbs it fat in your diet with protein Could make it easier for you to lose excess fat.

Beans and Legumes.

These include lentils , black beans, kidney beans etc. Beans and legumes are good addition to your weight loss diet. They are both high in proteins and fiber, contributing to feelings of fullness and low calorie intake.

Chia seeds. 

Chia seeds are very high in fiber, which fills you up and reduces appetite. For that matter therefore , they can be useful on a weight loss diet.

Despite being high in fat, nuts are not as fattening as you would expect. Nuts can make a healthy addition to an effective weight loss diet when consumed in moderation.

Stay away from these foods(Unhealthy foods to avoid)

Hot Dogs.

Upto 80% of the calories in regular hot dogs come from fat, and much of it is the unhealthy saturated type. Regularly eating processed meats like hot dogs has been linked to increased risk of heart diseases and colon cancer.

Flavoured Fat- free Yogurt.

Don't fall into the fat-free trap. Just because something is fat free doesn't make it healthy. In fact many flavoured yogurts have upwards of 15 grams of sugar in that tiny 6-ounce serving.

Processed meat.

Sausages, bacon, hot dogs and deli meats are also bad for your skin because they abound artificial flavours, fat and salt. Worse , they heighten Inflammation, so swap processed foods for healthy alternatives that aid digestion and keep blood-sugar levels in check.


It is hard to avoid consuming at least a few alcoholic beverages at this time of the year. But alcohol is actually hepatotoxic, the cells that cleanse your body treat it as poison,. Adding alcohol leaves you with a pasty complexion, huge pores and liver damage. Worse, alcohol dehydrates your skin, leaving it less plump and fresh the next morning. Do limit your intake.

Junk food.

Junk food contains too much sugar and too much salt. This can negativity affect your health both in the short term and long term. Junk food can lead to stomach fat and Obesity.

Premade Smoothies.

That premade or store-bought smoothie you think is so healthy may in fact have more calories than a cheeseburger. Smoothies can have as much as 650 to 1000 calories in them due to the extreme portions of fruit, Vegetables and often times, added simple sugars and syrups.

Precooked and processed foods.

These typed of foods over stimulate the production of dopamine, also known as the "pleasure" neurotransmitter that leads to excessive cravings. Precooked and processed foods contain lresertivatives, additives, dyes, and artificial flavours that have the ability to affect our behavior and our cognitive functioning.

Microwave popcorn.

Chemicals including perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA), in the lining of the bag, are part of a class of compounds that may linked to infertility vin humans, according to a recent study from UCLA. In animal testing, the chemicals cause liver, testicular and pancreatic cancer. Studies show that microwaving causes the chemicals to vaporize and migrate into your popcorn.

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