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How to whiten teeth naturally from home

Did you know that the natural, healthy color of your teeth is actually a little yellow? You probably don’t want to go to the dentist and have them tell you that your teeth are too yellow, but there are some things you can do at home to help whiten them. Here are the best methods for getting your teeth white naturally.

What causes teeth discolouration?

Too much tea or coffee.

Drinking too much tea or coffee stains the teeth. Not only do they erode the enamel but they also make the teeth stickier which causes food particles to lash on.

Sugary drinks.

 This causes double effect. It's a mix of acidity and sugar, both of which are bad for the teeth.


This is by far the worst cause for tooth decay and discolouration. It damages the teeth beyond repair. It also leaves permanent grey marks that can't be removed.

Why to whiten teeth?

Whitening teeth at home is a common practice all over the world. In various parts of the world white teeth are considered as a symbol of beauty and success. 

If you have decided to whiten your teeth at home, then you should know various ways of whitening your teeth. Here we have discussed few of the ways to whiten teeth at home. On top of that, home whitening is much cheaper than going to a dentist office.

What to consider when choosing a teeth whitening method?

A natural whitening method that works is one that can get the job done effectively, but at the same time, doesn’t do anything else that you don’t want to do. This means that some methods may take a little longer than others, but it is worth it for you in the end.

 I hope that you can use these methods to get the smile that you want. Of course the best method for each person will depend on the person.

Home remedies to whiten your teeth naturally.

1. Brushing and Flossing.

Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day for about 2 minutes each can help to remove the stains off your teeth. Ensure your brush has soft/medium bristles that don't damage the gum. Flossing can remove stains over time, especially the ones between your teeth.

2. Baking soda.

Mix very little baking soda with water and pour it over your tooth brush before you start brushing. Or Apply it using your finger tips and leave it on for 1 minute. Baking soda can work wonders for your teeth but be sure to use it sparingly as it can erode the enamel when over used.

3. Banana Fruit peel.

Rub your teeth with the inside of a banana peel or Orange peel. The peel is rich in magnesium, manganese and potassium which recharges the enamel. Brush your teeth a few minutes later and use the peel atleast twice a week.

4. Apple cider vinegar.

Give your teeth a great rub with apple cider vinegar, rinse off thoroughly and repeat for a few days to that white sparkling white smile.

5. Lemon juice and Baking soda.

The combination of lemon juice and baking soda is another great natural home treatment to whiten your teeth at home.


  • 1-2 tsp of baking soda
  • 1 tsp of lemon juice
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 paper towel

Direction for use:

  • Mix the ingredients well to create a paste
  • Then, utilize the paper towel to wipe out your extra saliva and your teeth
  • Next, place the mixture on the toothbrush and apply it onto your teeth
  • Let it stay in 1 minute
  • Rinse it off thoroughly with normal water
  • Repeat this remedy 1-2 times daily
  • You can replace lemon juice with water and when using water, you should let it stay in 3 minutes instead of only 1 minute.

6. Activated Charcoal.

Charcoal, particularly activated charcoal, has been utilized to eliminate the impurities from water. Following is the instruction to utilize charcoal with another purpose that is to whiten your teeth. As a result, charcoal acts as one of 37 proven natural home remedies to whiten teeth quickly at home.


  • Some charcoal powder
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 toothpaste
  • 1 bowl

Direction for use:

  • Add the charcoal powder and a little amount of your regular toothpaste into the bowl
  • Then, mix them well
  • Utilize this mixture to brush your teeth
  • Repeat this remedy twice daily
  • If you do not have the charcoal powder, instead you utilize the ashes of the burnt rosemary and burnt bread.

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